Monday, 10 March 2014

Leaving Cardiff

Leaving Cardiff is about Abse leaving Cardiff and he feels that he does not want to go. The poem contains  5 stanzas each with 4 lines in them. The themes in the poem include change and belonging because he knows he belongs in Cardiff and that when he comes back things would have changed. The rhyme scheme of the peom is ABAC,ABCC,ABAB,ABAB,ABAB. This change in rhyme scheme suggests the change in Cardiff and the change in himself.

The first stanza talks about his feeling towards Cardiff and that he finds the sea relaxing. The next stanza in the poem ,Abse questions why he is leaving Cardiff and talks about familliar souroundings as if he will never see them again  . In the third stanza Abse feels sad that he is leaving as he  says " my eyes,, like spaces, fill, and the knots of the water floww, pump to my eyes and spill".and he talks about leaving his childhood behind in Cardiff. The forth stanza says that if Abse stays in Cardiff, he cannot be the person he wants to be. In the fianl stanza, Abse knows that when he comes back to cardiff, things would have changed, wich is why he does not want to leave.

The poem makes links to Larkin poems:
  • Whitson Weddings
  • Here
The is because in these poems They also talk abou there sourroundings.
more info

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