Though it has no dialogue, the poem opens with a quotation from an advert, “Come to Sunny Prestatyn”. In the 1950s, these would have been common, and people did indeed travel to Prestatyn for a weekend holiday. There aren’t many poems in this collection intended to shock and offend, but this one, like ‘Self’s the Man’ is one – though comical at the same time. From comic, however, the poem moves to sinister.
Analysis- Stanza 1
The poem starts by presenting the perfect women. The first line in the stanza " laughed the girl on the poster shows us the is the idealised women for men and Larkin thinks she is beautiful. It also shows that seeing this women on the poster makes Larkin happy and cheerful. the fourth line in stanza shows us that the women is innocent, however also has the sense that this is false beauty. The focus on the sexuality of the girl in the advert presents the perfection of women, (which is what adverts usually do) to promote Prestatyn. . “Tautened white satin” for example, shows off her figure, her “thighs” and “breast-lifting arms”. “Behind her, a hunk of coast” puns on the duel meaning of “hunk” – both a ‘clump’ of something or a colloquial term for a male, as though by coming to this place, men will find girls like these. Yet, despite her obvious sex-appeal, “a hotel with palms / Seems to expand from her thighs,” as if she is giving birth to the hotel. The grotesque image adds humour to the poem.
Stanza 2-
The first line in stanza two has two meanings. one of them is that this was the day the poster was put up, or it shows that this was when people where vandalising the poster an it suggests that the post is getting beaten, ruined and destroyed. The image of the girl has been physically violated, vadndolised, disfigured and raped.Stanza 3 -
In the final stanza, there is a hint of violence in “Someone had used a knife” “to stab right through / The moustached lips of her smile”. The fith line in the stanza ( She was too good for this life) shows that if you deface a women it is ok and that she was too beautiful to be a poster. Her perfection has been defiled, lesser humans have brought about her destruction. It shows what some men would do, if they could, to women ,a desire to destroy and conquer, intermingled into sex. Yet, considering the opening of the poem, and the grotesque nature of the image, was she “too good”, after all?The poem concludes with an image of death. After “a great transverse tear / Left only a hand and some blue”, the poster is replaced by one saying “Fight Cancer”. This poster, perhaps, will survive longer than its predecessor. The idea of fighting a cancerous growth fits better with this society, who, as though possessed by a disease, cannot let perfection rest. It also shoes that people don't doodle on serious posters that are about illness and death.
- Adverts- because the poem is about an advert of a wonen in Presatyn
- Disatisfaction
- Deacy
- Time
- Sex
- Attitudes to women